19,3% more passengers for September
The great majority of passengers depart to, and arrive from Denmark
A total of 17.739 passengers departed and arrived through Vagar Airport over September of this year. This is a 19,3% increase compared to September of last year, when passenger figures stood at 14.868. With the exclusion of the route to Iceland, all other routes have recorded increases. By far the greatest increase has been on routes to Denmark, where an overall 17,4% increase has been recorded.
To date, e.g. the period from January to September, a total of 164.681 passenger have come through the airport. This is 13.3% more compared to the same period for 2005, when the corresponding figure stood at 145.397.
Over September, 612 aircraft have departed and arrived at the airport. This is 29,1% more compared to September of last year, when the figure was 474. To date a total of 5.155 aircraft have come and gone through the airport, or a 19,1% increase compared to the corresponding period for last year. A certain degree of this increased traffic is attributable to flights to and from the current offshore Brugdu drilling operation.