
8,2% fewer passengers for 2009

203.662 passengers came through Vagar Airport in 2009

Over 2009, 203.662 passengers came through the airport. This is 8,2% less than the year before, when the corresponding figure was 221.942.

Decreases have been recorded on all scheduled routes. On the routes to Denmark the decrease has been 7,5%, to Norway 8,0%, to Iceland 0,4% and on routes to Great Britain 36,4%. There were no offshore flight operations last year, while there was some offshore activity in 2008. Therefore, there is also a decrease here compared to the previous year.

4.870 aircraft arrived and departed over the airport in 2009. This represents a decrease of 9,8% compared to the year before. There have been fewer arrivals and departures on scheduled routes, but there have been slightly more international charter flights, compared to the previous year. There has also been an increase in helicopter flight operations.

In December of 2009, passenger numbers decreased by 6,2%, from 13.574 to 12.726. Arrivals and departures were however up by 18,2% for December ? from 308 up to 364. International charter flights and flying lessons/training are mainly responsible for this.