
Contract to project the extension of the runway

P/F Vagar Airport has signed an agreement with the companies; Rambøll, Munin and Verkfrøðingastovuna

P/F Vagar Airport has signed an agreement with the companies; Rambøll, Munin and Verkfrøðingastovuna to project the extension of the runway at Vagar Airport.

The project encompasses the drafting of a preliminary project, which will constitute the basis for an evaluation by the authorities and a detailed cost estimation. The preliminary project shall be completed by August/September 2009.

The above companies will also be responsible for compiling the tender material, enabling the project to be offered for tender this autumn. Vagar Airport has retained the right to expand the agreement to also include project management and quality control procedures.

Six project tenders were received from companies or joint companies in the Faroes, Iceland and Denmark. The tenders were evaluated over a dual-staged evaluation phase. First according to the preliminary demands, which covered the professional- technical- and economic capabilities of the bidding companies.

Bids which passed the initial preliminary demands, were thereafter evaluated according to what would be the best solution for Vagar Airport, according to quality, demand satisfaction, time schedule and costs.

-P/F Vagar Airport is satisfied with the agreement, which ensures that consultants with specialised airport knowledge and consultants with knowledge of Faroese conditions will resolve this highly responsible task, says David Reinert Hansen, CEO Vagar Airport.